Monday, July 9, 2007

Snorkeling Fools 3

Steve and the boys made their last trip to the snorkeling beach today. Evelyn and I went too, but neither of us snorkeled. I am so impressed with how quickly they've picked up this activity and really enjoyed it. It is definitely something we'll try to work into future outings.

If you look closely in the picture above, you can find Evelyn, Steve and both boys (kind of like a "Where's Waldo?" game). Of course, Steve has a snorkel on (top right) and both boys are face down in the water near him, so you can pretend you've found them wherever you look!

After I made Michael take a break (he'd been snorkeling for what seemed like forever), I took this shot to show him how tight his mask had been on his face!

Steve & I went to dinner tonight while Evelyn kept the boys. We went back to Kona Inn (where we ate with Joe and Erin) and I had that yummy stuffed ono. Too good!

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