Monday, July 2, 2007

Return of the Snorkeling Fools

The boys got to snorkel again today, this time with Steve, Josh & Caroline. (I chose to sit in the shade and read a book. Amazingly, I am reading a great deal less on this trip than I normally do at home.)

They took our underwater camera (from Walmart) with them today, so hopefully we'll have some nice fish pics to add to the blog at some point. Apparently they saw a lot of cool ones today.

From where I was sitting, I was able to see a big sea turtle that decided to waddle ashore for awhile. Honestly, it looked like he had his head stuck in the sand to tune out all the people who were oohing and aahing over him!

After snorkeling, warming up, eating lunch and snorkeling some more, the boys & I shared a ginormous Shave Ice--with strawberry, banana and grape flavoring. It looked so good that we forgot to take a pic first! Sorry.

We grilled steaks at home tonight with the Turpens and then enjoyed another beautiful sunset. We leave for home in just over a week. It's going to be hard to leave all of the wonderful sites we're encountering here.

p.s. Lava started flowing again today at the Pu'u O'o vent! Check out the details here.

1 comment:

Joe said...

lava stops, we show up. we leave, lava starts. that sucks, all the dude wanted was to see some liquid hot magma.