Friday, June 15, 2007

1st Full Day in Hawaii

Today was our first full day in Hawaii. And I definitely mean FULL. After our late night arrival on Thursday, we were in bed by about 8:30 p.m. or so and up around 5 a.m.! (The boys actually woke up closer to 3:30 a.m., but they kindly played quietly in their room for awhile.)

After getting up, eating breakfast and showering, we felt like it should be time for lunch (that 4-hour time difference meant our bodies were still pretty messed up). We spent the rest of our morning doing all those settling-in kind of things -- unpacking the suitcases, hitting Walmart and Safeway for some groceries and then having a quick lunch of hamburgers grilled on our house's deck. Then, even though our mind's thought it should be about time to start thinking about dinner and bed, we decided to hit our first beach: Ho'okena.

Ho'okena is a salt and pepper colored neighborhood beach south of Kona. The surf was a bit rough, since the tide was coming in, but the boys enjoyed their first exposure to a Hawaii beach.

After the beach, we decided it was finally time for dinner. Talk about a comedy of errors! The first two places we tried didn't open for dinner until 5 p.m. -- and it was only about 4:15. The third place, although highly recommended in several guidebooks, seemed to be closed (or at least renamed and unable to be found!) We finally ended up at a Thai restaurant on Alii Drive, where we sat outside and watched a giant cruise ship turn around and head out to sea.

Overall, it was a great first day in Hawaii.

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