Saturday, June 23, 2007

Highs & Lows

Saturday was quite the day for the Loper family. Steve's parents were scheduled to leave on a 4:30 flight for the next leg of their vacation, so we decided to spend a little time at Hapuna Beach State Park before they left. Hapuna is often voted the best beach in the U.S. by various travel magazines and guidebooks.

I don't know that I'd call it the BEST beach I've ever been to, but it is what you tend to think of when you think beach. Miles of white sand, clear blue-green water, and TONS of people. Not an ounce of shade on the beach, which I'm sure is why my back ended up scorched despite my excessive sunblocking. Sunburnt seems like too mild of a description for what I've got going on. Ouch. (Steve and D have a bit of redness too, but not nearly as much. And M seems to be fine.)

We didn't really realize the level of our sunburns today because we ended up dealing with another situation when we got ready to leave the beach. Reta & Ellis were getting ready to pack up around 2 p.m. when they realized that their rental car key was nowhere to be found. Apparently, it floated away in the ocean sometime when they were frolicking with the boys. Oops. (FYI, car rental companies charge big bucks to replace those electronic keys.)

Luckily, Steve was able to run Ellis to the airport to get an extra key for their car, and they made their flight after all. While they have enjoyed their time here, I think they will be very glad to be done with rental cars, airplanes and the like.

Tonight's sunset, while pretty, didn't really yield any spectacular pictures. So, instead, I'd like to offer this sunburn.

Joe & Erin arrive tomorrow, fresh (or maybe ripe) from their 18-hour layover in Las Vegas. We are excited!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damn! That's gonna peel!!!

See you in a few days!