Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The 2nd Part of our Beautiful Day

Have I mentioned yet how awesome it is to have house guests while we're in Hawai'i? We were so lucky to have Steve's parents keep the boys for us while we explored the north and east parts of the island last week. Then, tonight, Joe & Erin offered to take the boys to dinner (to Bubba Gump's--yummy!) and watch them while Steve & I went on a sunset dinner cruise.

For those of you who have never been on something like this, I have one crucial piece of advice--don't take your kids. I was so relaxed, especially since it wasn't my kids about to roll through the spaces in the rails every 10 minutes. (There were only 2 kids, and they were little, and the crew even had to tell their parents to keep a hand on them. SO glad they weren't mine.) Oh yeah, the Mai Tais, Pink Pirates and Champagne probably helped a bit too!

Our cruise was on board the sailing catamaran Seasmoke, which apparently was quite the stuff for many a year. (If you sail, maybe you know. If not, you could look here.)

Being on the ocean while the sun was setting was incredible. And the service was awesome. I don't think I went more than 5 minutes without a drink in my hand (unless I wanted to--like when I needed that hand free to hold my dinner plate)!

After the cruise, we sat on the beach at A-Bay for awhile to finish enjoying the sunset (and to sober up for the drive home). It was so peaceful and enjoyable.

(Tonight's pictures are courtesy of Steve, who took both of them with his phone, since our camera battery was dead by this point.)

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